Monday, 7 January 2013

being self conscious...

Being self conscious is something that at one point or another in their life everybody faces. It's a horrible feeling were you feel out of place and as if there is something wrong with you.

There have many times in my life when I look at a celebrity, a friend, a stranger and think 
"why can't i be like them"
It's natural instinct, everyone will always want what they cant have and that goes right back to the primitive. 

Looking back on the past 3 years of my life, anyone would think that I didn't exist...
  • I never ever ever ever ever ever ever used to let ANYONE take a photo of me and if someone did i would go to great lengths to delete that photo.
  • I didn't used to go out with my friends if they were meeting up with people i didn't know because I was scared that they would not like me.
  • I used to refuse to go out in public with my parents in case someone saw me and took the mic out of me.
  • If I saw someone i knew when i was out, even a close friend, i would do all i could to avoid them.
I have never been happy with the way I look and always have a fear that people hated me. Typing this is actually making me realise how much i missed out just because i didn't feel good about myself.

It's a horrible feeling, when you don't think your good enough. Especially when it's about your looks because when it comes down to it you will look like you for your whole life and if you can't be happy  in yourself well quite frankly you'll never be happy with anything.

Now that I'm older i've gotten better, I let people take photos of me (though i'm not quite at that stage when i can just pull a face and laugh about my purposeful ugliness later)
There are still 1,000,001 things I would change about my body but i'm starting to look for those 1,000,002 things I like about it.

I still worry though, about the most stupid of things. I'm only 16 and the other day I had a started to worry that I might die alone...stupid I know!!

Learning to love yourself when your mind is filled with doubts is hard I know but there are things to do to make yourself feel better

  • spend as much time with friends and family as possible
  • if someone complements you accept it and don't instantly deny it in your head 
  • have a vain moment and take some photos of yourself till you find a look that makes you feel beautiful/handsome...then you will know how to look good in all pictures
  • if someone does take a bad picture of you, laugh about it!!
  • every time you find something wrong with yourself, find 2 things you love
  • if your having a down day, don't worry everyone does, then do whatever makes you feel better wether its going for a jog or having a long soak in the bath
  • you never have to do anything you don't want to so if you don't feel comfortable then leave
  • don't listen to anything spiteful anyone ever says, its just them trying to hide their own self consciousness
  • remember and always think to yourself that you are an amazing person
  • SMILE :)
Don't hold yourself back from being the person you know you can be, oh gosh I sound like a cheesy motivational speaker but it's true.

you are gorgeous ;)