Saturday, 29 December 2012

FujiFilm finepix s4400 review

my new camera...
my new baby :)
This year i somehow managed to stay on santa's good list and as a result i was rewarded with a new camera, a Fujifilm Finepix S4400 (pictured above). I previously had a basic digital camera that, although it was a great camera, wasn't quite good enough for the types of pictures i wanted to take.

A professional DLR camera was also a bit out of my league so i settled on a bridge camera and the perfect one for me. For those of you who don't know a bridge camera is in the middle of a professional SLR and a point-and-shoot camera. They generally have long zooms and many 'auto' settings. If the user knows how, there is also the option to fiddle with the shutter speed and aperture.

I did some research into a few other brands and makes of bridge cameras, such as Nikon Coolpix and Canon Powershot but I settled on the Fujifilm Finepix for a few reasons

  1. it had a HUGE zoom for a smallish camera (28x)
  2. there was a panorama option 
  3. it was simple to use yet still provided the option to take advanced photos by manually changing the shutter speed and aperture
  4. it wasn't too expensive
  5. it looked cute (what can i say, once a picky girl ALWAYS a picky girl)
I've only had it a few days but I have already fallen for it. 

I would strongly recommend this camera for anyone not quite professional enough in photography to invest in a rather expensive SLR camera but still interested in taking a variety of shots that a basic digital camera can't offer. Also for any Vloggers out there it also shoots in HD with amazing quality and isn't too heavy to carry around.

Here are some quick examples of photos i took with the camera, unfortunately i couldn't find my stick that kets me put my memory card into my computer so these are technically photos of photos i've taken which may explain the poorish quality... 

using the macro setting
using the black and white format and the macro setting
using the black and white format


  1. Thank-you for this, I should be getting this camera soon! :D

  2. Have you figured out how to get the background to blur in human portraits?

  3. Excellent - just bought a 'never used' one on eBay for £90.
